Monday, March 30, 2009

2 Potted Peppers

The original potted pepper has been joined by another. Now we have a big bertha bell pepper and a sweet green bell. They both are slowly growing and trying to sprout little buds.

In the regular garden, somebody completely munched the new zuchinni plant. Could have been snails. They took off one leaf per day, and then finally the whole stem. Gotta find a way to protect the next zuchinni from becoming snail food....


  1. I can't wait till my seeds start popping. I just planted my Big Bertha peppers a few days ago. Happy Spring!

  2. We have been having problems with something eating all the leaves of our spring flowers. I tried some moth balls. They did not work. I decided to use ground pepper instead. They have not eaten anything since I did that.

  3. Your peppers are ahead of mine....but I'm on your tail!

  4. Could you please tell me how you put your "Post a Comment" right on the bottom of your posts? Thank you and I wish I could be gardening like you.

  5. Hi Writer- I believe if you go to
    Then Settings tab
    Then Comments link at top
    Then set CommentFormPlacement or CommentsDefaultForPosts.
    I believe it is one of those settings.


Thank you for posting a comment. You rock!!