Friday, March 27, 2009

For the Little Gardener

While Dad was working the soil, removing rocks and roots, Lil Bro was out helping in the suburban garden. Next to the Early girl tomato and spinach seedlings, Lil Bro planted a rocket, a lego space dude's head, and various pots. When you have help like this, what can you say?

Here is a close up of one spinach seedling. And of course the lego space dude's head in the pot and his rocket. The best part was the glee and excitement he expressed for gardening. Thanks son!!!


  1. It adds a little mystery to your garden! People will wonder how a rocket crashed there. I think it's great he was out helping, planting pots and rockets.

  2. What happens if you get a lego tree? This could be big.

  3. I love seeing those peat pots in the ground. THis was my first year to give those a try. Too early to get them in the ground in my neck of the woods but now I have something to look forward to.

    Happy Spring!

  4. I like the idea of growing legos. That way I can save a ton of money...

    Bren- the peat pots did not work out so good for me because the seedlings did not survive long enough. But I am learning and next time will do better...

    Catherine- People keep asking how the rocket crashed.

  5. That is so cute! Growing lego in the garden - if only!

  6. My son and I had a lot of fun reading this post. He enjoys gardening. He has never planted anything that doesn't belong. Thank you for always commenting on our blog!


Thank you for posting a comment. You rock!!