Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cute Cucumber

Some teeny tiny cucumbers are forming under the flowers. My salad bowl is ready for these little guys to grow grow grow. This plant is a Straight 8 cucumber and is planted in the ground. We also have 2 Bush cucumber plants in containers, but the Straight 8 was planted about 2 months earlier and is approaching 24" in height. We're training the Straight 8 to grow vertically up a tomato cage. The training requires a little TLC, but if we don't go vertically, we will have a sprawling jungle.


  1. Ohh, I love fresh cucumbers, that's exciting !! My green pepper plant already has a little flower growing, it's adorable. I thought maybe it needed to be bigger, guess not, eh ?

    They just set up a little internet phone tent for the guys, but they are out of the wire and won't be back for a while to use it. J...isn't agressive and people tend to walk all over him...and it's probably why he's not calling at all. His very laid back self is nice at times, but he needs to step it up and try to call or something. He only uses the company phone.We're opposites, I would have put my foot down or something, I would have been more aggressive. Am glad I'm not the one there, I hate the heat, no body would want to be around me. Haha.

    Fey is running around with her morning feline energy, an 8 year old lady in a 5 year old body, still gets into everything. She woke me up way too early this morning, I have her trained to go to sleep at a certain time with me every night and she stays until we wake up at 07 am or earlier. Not last night. Ha.

  2. Your cucumbers are looking good, I just planted mine out yesterday. Looks like you will be enjoying yours first. My potted potatoes are coming up! I just wish I had white pots instead of black... they get a little to warm. Your harvest tally is looking great, I look forward to seeing how you do.

  3. Looks good, freshly picked cucumbers are wonderful. I had three plants but lost one to cutworms but the other two are doing fine and have flowers already.


  4. Nothing better than cool cucumbers in the hot sun!

  5. Looks like it will be a tasty one! Best of luck with the other ones, will be interesting to see how the pot ones go.

  6. PMW, This is my first year with green peppers. They are producing -lots- of flowers and we have some 3 inch peppers too. :) I've seen a strange cat lurking around the peppers too. Hope they don't eat veggies.

    Mr. H, Upped the tally by 2 strawberries today. Little by little. I know what you mean with the black containers. Seems important to water every day.

    Margaret, That's exciting. If these grow as fast as zucchini, then wow!!! We'll have lots of cukes.

    David in K, How about a little lemon juice squeezed on the cukes. Yum.

    Prue, The potted ones are still short, but seem to grow a bit each day. We will post photos of those for sure. Since they're bush, they're supposed to not invade the neighborhood, but rather stay in a nice compact plant. We'll see.

    Thanks everyone for checking out Our Suburban Garden. It's getting exciting now that we're in June!!

  7. Thanks for stopping on by my blog!

    We do love to garden as a family. In fact, just today, my youngest child came running in side to tell me that we have a zucchini growing. We love to check our our veggie garden each day to see what is new out there. The latest things to appear are flowers on the watermelon vine and pea pods! We can't wait to start enjoying the fruits of our labors!


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